Cultivating kinship through storytelling, scripture and service!

Meet the Founder

I started The Kinship Collective to end otherness and remind us all of the life changing truth that God is good AND SO ARE WE. We offer podcast conversations, community gatherings, learning cohorts, Kinship Coaching and spiritual direction all in efforts to help you know this deeply. If you are recovering or evolving away from anemic Christian theology that taught you that you are broken, depraved or inherently evil our resources will help you reimagine faith in really helpful ways. If you are someone who never felt welcome to encounter God, or you became disinterested because the spaces you experienced represented a really small and exclusive God you should find a voice that shares your perspective somewhere in our community. Listen to one of our conversations wherever you listen to podcast, be on the lookout for a gathering or click the contact button to set up a coffee. We believe the collective is missing out when you aren’t able to contribute all you are. We experience a sense of being seen and known and loved in our gatherings. We celebrate, platform and lament with our marginalized siblings. We reimagine scripture together and revel in the beauty of collective imagination. We are, because you are. We are ending otherness, embracing our goodness, and reimagining scripture together and it’s soooooooo good!

Make a donation.

Our mission is to end otherness and create a community where we can develop a communal imagination of scripture! There's no way we can develop this community without your financial support. You're the fuel to our rocketship and we believe we'll create the kind of community that will literally change the world together!